Coral Light wordpress theme

Coral Light is a free responsive theme with one-column or two-column layout, and built-in slideshow. The theme is optimized for SEO, and suitable e.g. for a small business site, portfolio gallery site or a photo blog that can be spectacular with its light, white background.


Further customization options are available in the pro version. Download the free theme here:

SKU: coral-light Category: Tag:


This is a responsive, SEO optimized wordpress theme with several customization possibilities. It can be suitable for many kind of websites, small business, portfolio, blog, etc.. The main features of the theme are:

  • compatible with WordPress 6
  • responsive theme, also fits to mobile and tablet devices
  • built-in slideshow
  • dropdown menu
  • Layouts: one-column, two-column with left sidebar layouts with customizable sidebar width
  • typography: customizable body font, heading font, site title font, tagline font
  • social icons menu
  • customizable colors: site title color, tagline color, background
  • two widget areas
  • custom menus
Simple child theme:

Child Theme


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