This is a responsive, SEO optimized free dark wordpress theme with several customization possibilities. It can be ideal for many kind of websites, e.g. portfolio gallery site or a photo blog, highlighting its images by the black background of the theme. Click on the topmenu items to see most of the theme features, and the available settings. The main features are:
- compatible with WordPress 6
- responsive theme, also fits to mobile and tablet devices
- built-in slideshow
- dropdown menu
- Layouts: one-column, two-column with left sidebar layouts with customizable sidebar width
- typography: customizable body font, heading font, site title font, tagline font
- social icons menu
- customizable colors: site title color, tagline color, background
- two widget areas
- custom menus
Coral Dark wordpress theme customizer settings
You can find the following options in the customizer of the theme.
Logo related settings
- Choose a logo image
- Maximum width of the logo
- Maximum height of the logo
- Site title (text logo)
- Tagline (slogan)
- Vertical position of the site title
- Vertical position of the tagline
- Site icon (favicon)
Layout settings
- Vertical position of the social icons
- Display search form?
- Width of the search form
- Vertical position of the search box
- Vertical position of the top menu
- Sidebar width
Typography settings
- Site title font
- Site title fontsize
- Tagline font
- Tagline fontsize
- Body font
- Body fontsize
- Heading font
Built-in Slideshow
- Display slideshow on frontpage
- Always display the slideshow
- IDs of pages/post for which you display the slideshow
- Slideshow effect
- Animation speed
- Pause time
- Max 4 slideshow images with linked titles
- Site title color
- Tagline color
- Background color
- Background image
If you need more color options, google fonts, wider layout, more widget areas, etc., you can purchase the pro version of the theme here: Coral Dark pro wordpress theme